Rails 7.0 Base Setup

Creating a Rails 7.0 App

update GEMS library

gem update –system

be sure bundler is installed

gem install bundler

update Bundler library

bundle update –bundler

update Ruby

rbenv install 3.1.1 rbenv global 3.1.1

or asdf install ruby 3.1.1 asdf global ruby 3.1.1

be sure you have rails for your ruby version

gem install rails
# or ensure version 7.0 using
gem install rails --version 7.0.0

Rails with esbuild & css

The options:

  • -T - does not install mini-tests (I like rspec)
  • -j esbuild - is the middle ground between using webpacker and import-maps
  • --css bulma - install a css framwork (bulma, tailwind, bootstrap, sass, postcss)
# default rails (using importmaps)
# rails new slacker_base
# or Bulma
rails new slacker_bulma -j esbuild -T --css bulma
# with Tailwind
# rails new slacker_tail -j esbuild -T --css tailwind
cd slacker

install richtext editor

This will also install StimulusJS and ActiveStorage and ActionText altogether

./bin/rails action_text:install

otherwise you can install them separately:


bin/rails active_storage:install


./bin/bundle add stimulus-rails
./bin/bundle install
./bin/rails stimulus:install

Hotwire if you initially used --skip-hotwire and now want it - type:

./bin/bundle add turbo-rails
./bin/bundle install
./bin/rails turbo:install
./bin/rails turbo:install:redis

Additional Tooling

copy the following into your Gemfile:

cat <<EOF >>Gemfile
group :test do
  gem 'shoulda-matchers' #, '~> 5.0'

# allow rspec with feature tests and
group :development, :test do
  gem 'factory_bot_rails'
  gem 'rspec-rails'
  gem 'capybara'
  gem 'launchy'
  gem 'faker'

  # coverage
  gem 'simplecov'

  # security checks
  gem 'brakeman'

  # debugging
  # gem 'pry'
  gem 'pry-rails'
  # stack, up, down, frame n
  gem 'pry-stack_explorer' #, '~> 0.6.0'

  # standards
  # gem 'standard', require: false
  gem 'rubocop-rails', require: false

  # sw quality checks
  # gem 'skunk'
  # gem 'circle-cli'
  # gem 'rubycritic', require: false # uses virtus - discontinued !

Configure Testing

bin/rails g rspec:install

Setup Configuation at the top of the spec/rails_helper.rb be sure to have:

require 'capybara/rails'
require 'simplecov'

at the bottom of spec/rails helper add:

cat <<EOF >>spec/rails_helper.rb
Shoulda::Matchers.configure do |config|
  config.integrate do |with|
    with.test_framework :rspec
    with.library :rails

Setup the Database

bin/rails db:drop
bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails db:seed

Login Management (as needed):

Devise is commonly used for login user management

bundle add devise
bundle install
rails g devise:install

**Follow the instruction on printed on the screen or use ( https://guides.railsgirls.com/devise)

Setup App Structure

Lets build a landing page

bin/rails g controller landing index

update the routes

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'landing/index'

  # Defines the root path route ("/")
  root "landing#index"

Start Rails (dev-mode)

In watchmode - like we are accustom


other options are:

  • foreman start -f Procfile.dev
  • bin/rails s and yarn build --watch in separate windows

Experiments to Explore



view components

HotWire (Turbo)

Bill Tihen
Bill Tihen
Developer, Data Enthusiast, Educator and Nature’s Friend

very curious – known to explore knownledge and nature