
Passwordless Authentication with Devise

Devise offers a lot of useful User management, but has no Passwordless Strategy - here's how to do it

Rails 6.x Auth with MagicLink using SecureRandom Token

Passwordless Authentication is very convenient for users and generally as secure as passwords (according to many articles as long as the email access-links are short-lived - as email is not very secure).

Rails 6.x+ Auth with MagicLinks using Rails Signed GlobalIDs

Several simple approaches to password-less rails authentication

Phoenix 1.5 authentication with POW

Create a modern Phoenix SPA with tremendous flexibility

Rails Devise User Model with Roles

Configure devise (for multiple types of accounts) install the devise engine: bin/rails generate devise:install now follow the basic setup config – add to config/environments/development.rb config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 } add notifications to the layout for devise in app/views/layouts/application.