Rails Posts

Squished String Type (Rails 5/6)

String inputs that strip away leading, trailing and double spaces using typed virtual attributes

Rails 6.x - Framework Agnostic Associations - part 2

Framework Agnostic Associations - Data models that work across many frameworks

Rails 6.x - Framework Agnostic Associations - part 2

Framework Agnostic Associations - Data models that work across many frameworks

Rails 6.x - Framework Agnostic Associations - part 1

Framework Agnostic Associations - Data models that work across many frameworks

Rails 6.1 - Hotwire with Lazy Loading

A simple Single Page App using Rails and flash messages with Hotwire

Rails 6.1 - Hotwire with Modals

A simple Single Page App using Rails and Hotwire - integrated with a modal forms

Rails 6.1 - Hotwire with StimulusJS

A simple Single Page App using Rails and flash messages with Hotwire

Rails 6.1 - Hotwire with Flash Messages

A simple Single Page App using Rails and flash messages with Hotwire

Rails 6.1 - Hotwire (Simple Realtime SPA)

A simple Single Page App using Rails and Hotwire

Tweets - A Single Page Rails App (using reloads)

A simple Rails App that works off one page (a prep-project to build a Rails SPA with Hotwire)