
Passwordless Authentication with Devise

Devise offers a lot of useful User management, but has no Passwordless Strategy - here's how to do it

Rails 6.x Auth with MagicLink using SecureRandom Token

Passwordless Authentication is very convenient for users and generally as secure as passwords (according to many articles as long as the email access-links are short-lived - as email is not very secure).

Rails 6.x+ Auth with MagicLinks using Rails Signed GlobalIDs

Several simple approaches to password-less rails authentication

Rails 6.1 with TailwindCSS 2.0 and AlpineJS

Intro TailwindCSS is a very flexible CSS framework and makes it easy to customize unique web pages and animations. Unfortunately, with Rails its a bit tricky to install and configure with Rails Standards.

Install and Configure Rails

Intro To document is mostly for me – at least until I automate my setup defaults. However, I am glad to share and get ideas from others too. I will build a little calendar app I use with friends (it’s focused on being mobile friendly and easy to use – not a full featured calendar).