
Rails 7.0 Base Setup

update GEMS library gem update –system be sure bundler is installed gem install bundler update Bundler library bundle update –bundler update Ruby rbenv install 3.1.1 rbenv global 3.1.1 or asdf install ruby 3.

Rails 7.0alpha2 Test-drive

I thought it would be fun to test the new alpha version of rails - but I always forget how to do this without upgrading an existing projects. Discover the Rails Pre-release versions gem list rails --remote --prerelease -e –remote - checks the rubygems site - not the locally installed versions –prerelease - find pre-release versions -e - use an exact match (many packages have rails in the name).

Rails 6.1 with TailwindCSS 2.0 and AlpineJS

Intro TailwindCSS is a very flexible CSS framework and makes it easy to customize unique web pages and animations. Unfortunately, with Rails its a bit tricky to install and configure with Rails Standards.

Install and Configure Rails

Intro To document is mostly for me – at least until I automate my setup defaults. However, I am glad to share and get ideas from others too. I will build a little calendar app I use with friends (it’s focused on being mobile friendly and easy to use – not a full featured calendar).